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2015 Indian Border Security Force, Camel Mounted Band

Set of thee military musicians camel mounted;  a officer conductor, one bass drum, one cymbal, one drum, one oboe, one clarinet, one fife, one saxophone, one trumpet, one trombone, one helicon, one tuba, one saxhorn. 

You can order diferents sets:

set nº 1- Bandmaster (one military musician camel monted, T0541005005BF)

set nº 2- Drum set, Basdrum, drum and címbal. (three military musicians camel monted T0541005001BF)

set nº 3- Wind set, Oboe, Clarinet and Fife. (three military musicians camel monted T0541005002BF) 

set nº 4- Metal set, trumpet, Trombone and Saxophon. (three military musicians camel monted T0541005003BF)

set nº 5- Heavy Metal set, saxhorn, tuba and helicon. (three military musicians camel monted T0541005004BF)

54 mm internacionally white metal figures set, assembled with tin welding; some figures may have small pieces of brass or copper. Hand-painted figures in our classic craftsmanship green box. Handmade product manufactured in Spain.

Product Options

1 hand painted figure set.

REF: T0541005005BP

One week delivery

85,00 EUR
(Tax not included)

3 figures hand painted set.

REF: T05415001234BP

Two weeks delivery, please specify the set number by you chosen

255,00 EUR
(Tax not included)

13 figures hand painted set.

REF: T0541005006BP

One month delivery

1.105,00 EUR
(Tax not included)