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600 b.C. Scythia Chief

The Scythians were a nomadic nation that dominated the steppes of Eurasia from 700 up to 300 B.C. Skilful riders, were of the first ones in using the saddle and the stirrup. When a Scythian warrior dyed, they were killing to his mount and were burying her, harnesses and adornments included, with all the honors. According to Herodoto, the Scythians had sadistic customs; for example, they were using the cranium of his victims as containers to drink and when they were thrown to the assault they were decimating his enemies using iron swords axes, lances and arrows that were crushing the meat. They plundered Ninive in 632 B.C. and his incursions even came up to the north of Egypt. This enigmatic people left his fingerprint in the human history, that the Scythian name turned in synonymous of cruelty.

ALYMER catalogue ref. 05

54 mm white metal figure, assembled with tin welding; some figures may have small pieces of brass or copper. Hand-painted toy soldier with glossy finishment, matt finishment by request. Not contractual photography to being a craftsman product. Hand made produced and painted in Spain.

Product Options

White metal casting

REF: T05400050KF

Immediate delivery

7,50 EUR
(Tax not included)

Assembled figure

REF: T05400050BF

Three days delivery

12,00 EUR
(Tax not included)

Hand painted

REF: T05400050PF

One week delivery

20,00 EUR
(Tax not included)