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English longbowmen

For nearly fifty years prior to Crecy, the common man in England had been encouraged through laws and contest to practice with a longbow. This turned out to be the deciding factor at the Battle of Crecy, where longbowmen virtually neutralized the French army that outnumbered them greatly. A good longbowman could have an arrow hitting target, other in the air and be releasing a third one, causing a raining effect of death upon the packed masses of French approaching them. The French learned to fear these longbowmen to the point that whenever was captured, the normal treatment was to cut off his index and middle fingers of the right hand. As lonbowmen would approach the enemy they would hold up their fingers as “V” sign. 

Refence of the ALYMER printed catalogue, BF 9

54 mm white metal figure, assembled with tin welding; some figures may have small pieces of brass or copper. Hand-painted toy soldier with glossy finishment, matt finishment on request at no additional cost (request in comments when placing order).  Delivery times are aproximated and may change due to accumulation of work. Non contratual photography to being a craftsman product. The production stand my be different from the one fotographed. Hand made produced and painted in Spain.

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Hand painted set

REF: T054000BF-9PF

Two weeks delivery

65,00 EUR
(Tax not included)